A questo proposito va detto che i grani moderni,quindi successivi agli anni '70, hanno subito varie modifiche per essere “nanizzati” e quindi più difficili da abbattere in caso di maltempo e più facili da raccogliere con i macchinari. Queste nuove varietà hanno bisogno di grandi estensioni, macchinari modernissimi e chimica per crescere e per non essere attaccati dalle infestanti. Spesso hanno un contenuto superiore di glutine. Rendono indubbiamente meglio nel processo di produzione di pane e pasta, ma questo può avere riflessi negativi sulla salute.

In the ninth stop of our tour we will talk about OfficinAlia AGROLAB. This company was created by a boy from Alicante with the desire to rediscover the ancient grains and what they can be used for. Rediscovering the ancient grains that do not need to be processed much, they can also be taken by celiacs.
First of all let's clarify the concept of ancient grains, in fact with this definition we also refer to the improved varieties made before the 1940's". We know wheat is the cereal par excellence in Italy, but we must admit varieties are not the same as they used to be. It is not by chance, in fact, that in the last years we are witnessing a reversal of trend, with the rediscovery of the so called ancient grains.
Wheat: old and new. Let's be clear, it is not really about ancient varieties, which have their roots in the period of the Fertile Crescent or of the Egyptians, but so to speak only about old ones: in essence, those of higher stature.
In this regard it should be said that modern grains, therefore after the 1970's, have undergone many modifications in order to be "dwarfed" and therefore more difficult to be knocked down in case of bad weather and easier to harvest with machinery. These new varieties need large extensions, modern machinery and chemistry in order to grow and not to be attacked by weeds. They often have a higher gluten content. They undoubtedly yield better in the bread and pasta making process, but this can have negative health implications.
Another reason for the increasing interest in these ancient cereal varieties is about celiac disease, that is the permanent intolerance to gluten, which is manifested in presence of three factors: a genetic base, an environmental trigger, that is gluten, and an altered intestinal permeability. The spreading of this disorder seems to be increasing and this is because of the increase of protein content in the most used wheat today.
Ancient grains can be a resource in terms of safeguarding agri-food biodiversity, as well as representing a valid alternative to standard cultivations in inaccessible or difficult to reach areas, where intensive agriculture techniques are not feasible. In the same way, ancient grains can be a way to preserve, rediscover or tell ancient traditions, from water mills to manual workings of the land, therefore they can have a cultural and historical function. Then there are matters of taste, and gastronomical peculiarities, which can or cannot meet the favor of consumers and critics. Breads produced with ancient grains, for example, have a thicker crust and a less honeycombed crumb, which tends to remain more humid and produces smaller crumbs. Depending on the variety, nutritional and dough properties can also change, for which subjective evaluations can be the most varied. Many farmers on the island are dedicating larger and larger plots to these semi-forgotten varieties until just a few years ago.
Let's hope that this guy can succeed and that he can make his project known to as many people as possible so that they can appreciate the local products!
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